Friday, October 3, 2008

Our newest pet...

So, we just added a new pet to the family! He is a 2 mo. old Panther Chameleon! His name is Leonard. He is very cute! In a few months he will double in size, and start growing fast. He will also be able to start showing all of his beautiful colors!
Fact: Unlike what most people think, chameleons do not change color to blend into their surroundings! They change color depending on Temperature, Light, and Mood! Pretty cool! Their tongues can reach far (about their body length and a half).
We will update you with new pictures of Leonard as he grows and gets more color.
Check out the pics of Leonard below....


  1. Yeah! I love your site. :) And what a TINY little lizard! Keep up the posts.

  2. Cool! Another pet, huh? Guess you never outgrew the iguana thing. Enjoy your new arrival!
